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Recent developments in Slovenia

In January 2018, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the new Adult Education Act. The Act came as a substitution to the one from 1996 and brought some important changes to the field of adult education in Slovenia. The Act sets guidelines for public services such as guidance, counselling, validation of non-formal and informal learning, provided by public adult education centres. The Act puts its focus on underrepresented groups in adult education and sets goals for adult education providers, as well as financing standards. 

In December 2017 the Slovenian government adopted the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030, which, among other Sustainable Development Goals, addresses goal 4 on Lifelong learning.  As a follow up to its implementation, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education will engage in working on designing the new Adult Education Master Plan: the document that determines the aims, priority areas of work, educational programmes, scope, and types of activity funded by public funds and financial resources. The new Master Plan will define adult education strategies for the years 2021-2030 and is scheduled to be adopted by the end of 2020. The main goal of the plan will be to keep the focus on how to persuade the most vulnerable groups to participate in learning activities and upgrading their skills and competences.